A British judge has been widely criticised for saying that a sixteen year old
girl ‘groomed’ her abusive school teacher, showing how selective we are in
our moral outrage. To call those little girls suicide bombers is like calling a
victim of sexual abuse a rapist, but where are the howls of protest? We seem
incapable of fully acknowledging the plight of those in the Muslim world whose
persecution and suffering does not directly affect us.
Muslim victims of radical extremism and western militarism
alike seldom capture the attention of the media in the way that non-Muslim
victims do, even though a Muslim is much more likely to be killed by a radical
Islamist or an American or British drone or bomb than a non-Muslim westerner is
to be killed by a Muslim. The vast majority of Muslims are either
innocent bystanders or victims of this present conflict between Islamic State
and the modern secular state. They are less accountable for what is being
done in the name of their religion, than the citizens of Britain and America
are for what has been done in our name in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and
in the continuing use of drones to carry out illegal executions of those
identified, rightly or wrongly, as potential terrorists. It is our taxes which pay for these wars and attacks, and it is our 'democratic' laws which encourage heavy corporate investment in an arms industry which feeds on such conflicts. Whatever our religion or nationality, we are all caught up in events far outside our control, which leave many of us feeling both impotent and guilty by association.
Early in January, Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff wrote in
blog in the Catholic weekly, the Tablet,
that ‘modern Islam seems to have difficulty in establishing that extremist
interpretations are wrong in ways that command universal recognition’, and he
suggests that extremism ‘tarnishes’ even peace-loving Muslims who fail to
condemn it. A cartoon currently circulating on Facebook shows hooded members of
the Ku Klux Klan alongside flag-waving members of Islamic State (ISIS), with
the caption, ‘Nobody thinks these people are representative of Christians, so
why do so many people think that these people are representative of Muslims?’
To expect any peaceful majority to gain ‘universal
recognition’ is to fail to appreciate the pervasive power of violence to
silence voices of moderation. Millions of us took to the streets in February
2003 to protest the war in Iraq, yet go to war we did, and the rest is not yet
history. If our democratically elected leaders can unleash such slaughter in
our name, how can we ask ordinary Muslims to take responsibility for the
actions of those they never voted for or supported, simply because they
appropriate the name of Islam for their cause?
That is the context in which we must speak of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, even as we
unequivocally condemn the murders of the cartoonists. If those cartoonists had
been satirising ISIS, the Taliban or Al Qaeda, they might have found widespread
support among Muslims who shared their revulsion. But the Muhammad cartoons violated
Islam’s most revered and beloved figure, more authentically revered by those law-abiding
Muslims who devoutly practise their faith than by those who use Islam as a
front for murder. Charlie Hebdo’s crude
images lack the slightest subtlety that would make them worthy of the name
‘satire’. They were acts of crass and shameless provocation which demanded of
every French Muslim citizen more tolerance than any civilized society should
ask in the name of freedom of speech. As Pope
Francis has reminded us, ‘every religion has its dignity’ and there are
limits to freedom of expression. The cartoons are an assault on the dignity of
Islam and its followers, and there is never any justification for attacking
human dignity.
I do not ask my Muslim neighbour to apologise or explain,
for she and I both agree that what is done in our name is not what we would
choose. Let’s avoid the sloganeering of a faux
innocence, and face the truth in all its savage complexity and fragile hope.
And when children are murdered, let’s call each child by name and name what has
been done to her in the name of some cause she will never know or understand.
To call a murdered child a suicide bomber is to violate her all over again.